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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Princess Porch Kitty

Hi, I'm Princess Porch Kitty. My mommy as Miss Izzy and we think Izzy is my grandpa. My mommy came to oh hoomans' house from the local bar and she had one miscarriage before me. I was born under a really cool porch and before my mommy had to go away she told me to hang on the window screens and lady would let me in.....and she was right. I live with 4 other kitties I'll tell you about another time. My hooman mom says I'm the alpha cat and she is right. This is me relaxing on my hooman.

Fill your mind with brilliant Spring colors

Even the most die hard Winter sports over are a little fed up with the snow and arctic weather this year. Turn your mind to colorful Spring blooms and garden pathways. Start plotting and planning your layout for the thaw too come. Take a trip from the blinding white snow and get ready for the melt.