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Monday, November 9, 2020

Liberal wants

 Over the last year democrats have protested(okay) looted,rioted and burned cities. Minneapolis looks like little Somalia as I write. They have shot and killed and assaulted many innocent bystanders and now they want to just forget everything that has happened.

They call for reparations from people that did nothing to them because they were slaves. None of these people were slaves. They tell us to roll over and concede. Well if Biden won then okay but at this point the election is tainted and EVERYONE should want to know and have it investigated for the integrity of all future elections. The media from all almost all outlets is choosing what the public will and will not hear. Are you really okay with that? Even if you are on the winning side according to the media. Do you think you will continue to be the favored one. Do you think you will never be censored? Do you think you will get all that was promised during this election and go about your happy way? Think again. Your perceived enemies are the ones standing up for you and your rights which are in in grave danger at this point.

This election means way more than Donald Trump it means our whole way of life. The Biden followers are so blinded by hate for Trump that they believed anything and everything they were spoon fed by CNN and now we are at the end of life as we know it. They just don't see it yet. They are to busy gloating and telling us to not be sore losers. Well don't be a sore winner it what I say.

To this day no Biden supporter can say what he stands for because he has lied and has been corrupt for 47 years and cannot say what Trump has done to hurt then except for existing. The democrats have caused the hate and division not Trump, not republicans. Hate and violence has overtaken this election and the country and the the only way to stop it is for everyone to start thinking for themselves. Do your own research, turn the TV off and remember . Do not blindly accept anything.

Republicans do not riot and loot and burn as a rule so no worries there. Did you ever stop to think why the the violence has slowed? Maybe the the $$$$$ from the dems and the orders and call to protest have stopped. ie: research Maxine Watters, Kamal Harris,Nancy Pelosi, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Presley and others see if you made the list to be out cast from society. Are you safe and for how lang? Is this even American to begin with? NO.


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