Dick Durbin (D) IL opposes Bill Barr having elections investigated and calls it political and for Trump (I'm paraphrasing) . In my opinion the American people want the whole election investigated no matter who the winner or loser because it is obvious that there are several dirty deeds being done. Politicians going to trial and actually being convicted and punished are rare to never. There needs to be a system of checks and balances for both parties and all politicians. They are all crooked -they fear no consequences and there needs to be term limits to hold them accountable.
Politicians are public servants serving no one but themselves. You should not be able to hold any office and be able to use it for personal gains for themselves or their families. They vote for their own pay raises. They shut down and work at will at will but close the private sector down for the good of the people.The people have no choice and get fined and or put out of business. The general public is put through inspections laws and regulations to run a business and the government does all this and people don't have a say. The politicians are elected to do what the people vote for and not a one of them actually does that, it is all for their own political benefit.
They work when and how they want with little to no accountability except to themselves. They don't even hold each other accountable within or across party lines. They are and have been committing crimes against the public on a daily basis with out fear of anything but a small scandal if that. They have interfered and spied on each other and elections, they have sold out the country to other enemy countries for personal gain.They shout out pretty speeches full of lies and each party is brainwashed by their lying bull shit.They promote hate and division among the American people. They dictate to we the people.
Go ahead and research deeply your most hated and most love politician and everyone in between and you will find a deep quagmire of filth at the American people's expense.
Start holding these dirt bags accountable
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