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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Combined Containment posts

We see great character development right from the first episode of Containment which airs on Tuesdays night  on the CW.It is only the 2nd episode and I am intrigued. No there are no zombies but the show has promise for action and horror.

Deadly virus outbreak movies and tv shows have been done many times, i usually like very single one.I'm not sure where this one is going as I believe it is a mini series so there will be an end in sight. 

At this point people are realizing this is not a 48 hour quarantine and for some there will be no rescue.There is quite a bit of character should have floating around right now as it would be if this situation were real life. The only planning is on the CDC adn government end but we are seeing characters out of that loop starting to worry and wonder what to do.

I have read a few bad reviews for the show but I say give it  a shot it has potential and certainly isn't boring.  

2nd entry

This episode brings the container wall completely up and a shoot if necessary order. More Web leaks that eventually get the Internet cut off inside the cordon. Follows is an it's real fear factor for a majority of the the characters.

Alot of characters' morals and sense of duty enmeshed with personal priorities. The show is moving along nicely but will need to step up the story to set itself apart from similar series and movies to keep from disappointing.

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