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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Fear the walking dead May 15th just opinions

Having a hard time really getting Inot Fear the walking dead. I like the show but could care less right now if ANY main character dies.

Chris is fairly interesting but taking a beating from the watching public. For his age and what has had to jim so far I'm pretty sure I'd be lil psycho too. The rest of the group is to goodie goodie.
They started some character background but it's just hanging there. I expect Daniel to step it up, he has the potential to take on a leadership roll even if Not with the group he is now with.
Strand and Nick are ok but we have no clue where they think they're going. Plans change fast in the ZA but everyone is still winging everything.
Hoping tonight steps it up some. More action, main character death and some storylines

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