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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Nick FTWD moved from TTTT blog

Maybe I can't get his roll as Tom Riddle out of my head but I have really been on the fence with Fear's "Nick" character.Don't get me wrong I like him and FTWD did start a little slow if you ar alrady a TWD fan.

I don't have any first hand knowledge of addiction and withdrawal which they address with Nick's story line but is seems  he should still be sick as a dog as the time frame isn't that far into the story to when he quit using. Not sure maybe Bad Mom of the year madison is still weening him off or perhaps Strand?? That being said Is Nick going to kick his habit or will he continue using throughout the End of the World?

The previews for episode 3 season 2  look to be action packed and i think we will be getting alot more info on all of the characters, I'm looking forward to Sunday with anticipation.  

last week we saw some of the first real action the show has had to offer and Nick and Chris both show promise of adapting to the new world quite a bit faster than  the adults in this drama.Their willingness to take chances and get the job done is promising for their characters sticking around for awhile. 
From the Spoiling the dead  fan page group on Facebook we can expect Nick's character to really take off this week.

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