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Monday, May 16, 2016

From Ohio state reformatory ghost hunt on facebook

Ok, so I haven't posted anything in a while. I've been waiting to see if any trends in activity start forming. I haven't seen any yet. It seems as if the activity has been moving every couple days.
 A few weeks ago it was VERY and night. That weekend, between day tours and overnighters, there were 5 apparitions seen in two days. The evp were coming fast and furious too. The shadow people were also working overtime. Then we hit a lull in the action for about a week. We were still getting activity, but not like the week before.
 As of late the activity has started to building a bit. Shadow people are out and about again.(There was a solid one spotted outside in the parking lot by my car last night by a very well respected volunteer.)
 Two weekends ago the original hospital was not for the faint of heart. Audible voices and shadow people were pretty common up there. An audible voice was heard to tell one of the guests to "Go see a Doctor." She was feeling a little under the weather.  When she got home she took the advice only to find out that she had bronchopneumonia.
 Friday night, while a couple of us were in the Chapel, we heard someone jogging up the stairs from the 3rd floor of Middle Admin and into the Chapel. Shortly after that we heard footsteps in the back of the Chapel walking towards us....within feet of the back set of pews. Several shadow figures were spotted in the doorways and near the stage. At the end of the night when we were locking the building up we heard two ladies talking. Almost as if they were behind a closed door. We just figured that 2 of our female volunteers were in the Volunteer Lounge grabbing their stuff to head home. We finished locking the last area and headed to the lounge when only minutes before we heard what we assumed at the time were two female volunteers. There was nobody in there. On Saturday I asked the only two volunteers who it could've possibly been talking the night before what time they left Friday. They left 45 minutes before we heard the voices. We were in fact alone in the building at the time.
Last night a guest received scratches to her neck. Pretty good ones too. There was something different about them though. They appear to be the normal 3 scratches, but these were much smaller than usual. Almost as if they were done by the hand of say a 3 or 4 year old child.

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