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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Judith AKA Little ass Kicker TWD moved from TTTT

My original prediction for who Negan kills has went completely awry.When all the actors were weighing in on the season finale of TWD season 6 I thought what could be so horrific to literally make them sick with their reactions. After all we have had humans eating raw turtle,dog and other humans, an almost rape scene with Carl and the claimed group, Rick tearing a guy's neck out with his teethe,Carl killing his own Mother, Kids being killed and many violent gruesome deaths.

Soooo I figured Negan's kill to be Judith. She obviously is not there for the final scene atleast that we know of so far.Perhaps I mis- read the actor's reactions and statements.Maybe I've played out all the character deaths in my head before the finale so many times that I think I can take who ever it is. Whoever it turns out to be I'm sure it will be gruesome and hear wrenching and will not disapoint the viewers.

But WTH do you do with a BABY in the ZA. She is such a detriment and until Alexandrea she was a major weight. She is there so she has to be addressed occasionally.I have not been able to read the comics so I have no idea, but what if Negan kidnaps her just for a little extra insurance of Rick's compliance? Who ever Negan kills will be most likely somehow seperate the group. There will be blame and hard feelings on someones part toward Rick even though they all agreed on the plan he put into place and took part. No place is safe and the group now knows that. There are plenty more new characters to be introduced in S7. Atleast 2 places that we are sure of outside of Alexandrea to take u residence and call home base.Negan has the numbers to take Judith and dangle her in front of Rick and the whole group and any new people to keep some kind of compliance---for awhile.

How many will Negan take out beside the ONE in S7 and where is Rick's story going?

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